A Dylan Reading List: A Baker’s Dozen of Recommended Favorites

“We sit here stranded, though we’re all doin’ our best to deny it.”

Ed Newman
5 min readSep 4, 2019


Blowin’ in the Wind. Painting by the author. 24"x 36" acrylic on panel.

Someone recently sent me a link to a list of 35 Dylan albums arranged from worst to best. As with all lists there’s bias, and it always surprises me how low some of my favorite albums get ranked in such lists. For this reason I’m not ranking this list of books about Bob Dylan, just sharing the titles. I own more than I’m listing here.

There sure are a lot of Dylan books in the world, and since receiving the Nobel Prize in 2016 there are an increasing number of writers offering their own angles on the man’s story, style or substance.

For fans who enjoy reading and not just listening to the music, here are a few volumes that I own, a relatively small collection compared to some bookshelves I’ve seen.

Some of the books from my collection. (Photo by the author)

Based on comments that I’ve heard, or read when I reviewed one or another of these, I already know there will be some naysayers who scratch their heads on one or more. I share these because I myself got something out of each. So in no…



Ed Newman

An avid reader who writes about arts, culture, literature & other life obsessions. @ennyman3 Look for my books on Amazon