A Visit With Producer Paul Lemenager of Dogsnose Media

Getting prepped for the Catalyst Content Festival

Ed Newman
5 min readOct 2, 2019


Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

I heard a rumor last month that there were no local films accepted to be part of the Catalyst International Content Festival here in Duluth next week. Ironically, the very next day I was posting an interview with two local women, Megan McGarvey and Katie Lindow , about their documentary Outsourced, a film about a UWS incident that is being featured at Catalyst.

Next, I discovered a short documentary on painter Jeffrey T. Larson , co-founder of the Great Lakes Academy of Fine Art, after which I stumbled upon another local connection. Local writer Jean Sramek had a script accepted for a different aspect of the five-day festival.

When I called Lance Parthe (Parthe Film & Video Productions) to inquire if he was involved in any way, I learned that his team had two documentaries in the festival. You can see the sizzle reel here for American Buskers. Lance suggested I reach out to producer Paul Lemenager and I called to set up a meeting.

We met in the studio offices and flipped through a series of topics. I’ve known Lance and Paul a long time, having worked with Parthe Productions for more than 30 years, as a client, for a range of projects including training videos…



Ed Newman

An avid reader who writes about arts, culture, literature & other life obsessions. @ennyman3 Look for my books on Amazon