I Violated Community Standards — Am I Doomed?

“It’ a hard knocks life for us…” — Annie

Ed Newman
3 min readApr 2, 2021


Photo by @felipepelaquim on Unsplash

Very strange. Years ago I was encouraged to set up a “business account” on Facebook for Ennyman’s Territory, my personal daily blog since 2007. The only thing this “business account accomplished (once set up) was to have Facebook constantly remind me I would have more traffic if I advertised (i.e. Paid Facebook Money). I never “pushed” the page to be liked, but have a few followers even though I seldom post there.

Instead, each day after publishing my post for the day I would share with my “friends” on my personal Facebook wall and Tweet it. I have a modest following on FB and 4K+ Twitter followers, so the ritual of writing and then sharing on these social media platforms worked for me. Until this happened about a month ago:

>>>> People who recently visited your page, Ennyman’s Territory, recommended changes to the information on your page . <<<<<

This is so bizarre that it defies comprehension, and I have been unable to find a human being at Facebook who can help me beyond their Bots who now tell me I am Spamming.



Ed Newman

An avid reader who writes about arts, culture, literature & other life obsessions. @ennyman3 Look for my books on Amazon