Ideas for Short Story and Movie Remakes with a Pandemic Twist

What if… The Bet, The Lagoon, Field of Dreams…

Ed Newman
6 min readOct 26, 2021


For whatever reason, Hollywood goes bonkers over producing remakes of old films. Maybe they imagine that, “We did it before, we can do it again” is a good formula? Fan reactions are often mixed with more flops than not, but the producers keep trying.

Well, I’ve been thinking that in this era of never-ending masks and lockdowns, there are some century-old short stories that might actually be fun to resurrect with a Covid twist. The first is The Bet, Anton Chekhov (1899). It’s on my short list of favorite short stories. A second, also related to isolation, is Joseph Conrad’s The Lagoon.

Anton Chekhov was a keen observer of human nature. His stories are like swift sketches that reveal much in a compact, concise package. Here are opening paragraphs of the story, a perfect setup for a rewarding read:

It was a dark autumn night. The old banker was walking up and down his study and remembering how, fifteen years before, he had given a party one autumn evening. There had been many clever men there, and there had been interesting conversations. Among other things they had talked of capital punishment. The majority of…



Ed Newman

An avid reader who writes about arts, culture, literature & other life obsessions. @ennyman3 Look for my books on Amazon