“Let Us March Against Philip.”

Ed Newman
4 min readAug 9, 2018

“When Aeschines spoke, they said, ‘How well he speaks.’
But when Demosthenes spoke, they said, ‘Let us march against Philip.’”

David Ogilvy is recognized as one of the most influential men in modern advertising. When I first began my advertising career I read every book I could find on the topic and upon discovering Ogilvy I soon found myself a disciple of his ideas, methods and message to others committed to this career niche.

I first met the mind of David Ogilvy in his book Confessions of an Advertising Man. Published in…



Ed Newman

An avid reader who writes about arts, culture, literature & other life obsessions. @ennyman3 Look for my books on Amazon https://tinyurl.com/y3l9sfpj