The Definitive Elvis Biography

Ed Newman
4 min readDec 7, 2018

“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” — Helen Keller

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

On January 8 in 1935, Elvis Presley was born in Tupelo, Miss. In 2012 Andy Warhol’s “Double Elvis” sold for 37 million dollars. What made Elvis the subject of Andy Warhol’s art? Elvis went from just another kid in a Southern grade school to cultural icon. Cultural icons were Warhol’s schtick, as he himself became one.

About 15 years ago, reading a bio about Elvis led to an idea for a short story about a man who made it his mission to write….

The Definitive Elvis Biography

J. Franklin Harris III believed there was nothing he couldn’t do if he but put his mind to it. His talent for excellence appeared early in life. By age ten he spoke three languages with fluency. In his early teens he excelled in football, wrestling and baseball, as boys often do, with no detriment to his studies, still finding time to be the social phenom of his class. In scouts, he became the youngest in his state to attain the Order of the Arrow for which he also wrote an exemplary study of the virtues of selflessness as practiced by the Native Americans who inhabited our land before the arrival of white men. At 16 he gained admittance to the Massachusettes Institute of Technology…



Ed Newman

An avid reader who writes about arts, culture, literature & other life obsessions. @ennyman3 Look for my books on Amazon