The Most Complete History of Man’s Moon Missions That I’ve Ever Seen
“We can have faith in the future only if we have faith in ourselves.”
“For the harsh facts of the matter are that we stand on this frontier at a turning-point in history. We must prove all over again whether this nation — or any nation so conceived — can long endure — whether our society — with its freedom of choice, its breadth of opportunity, its range of alternatives — can compete with the single-minded advance of the Communist system. Can a nation organized and governed such as ours endure? That is the real question. Have we the nerve and the will? Can we carry through in an age where we will witness not only new breakthroughs in weapons of destruction — but also a race for mastery of the sky and the rain, the ocean and the tides, the far side of space and the inside of men’s minds?”
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
The quote above is an excerpt from John F Kennedy’s remarkable acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention , when nominated to represent the Democrats in the upcoming 1960 presidential election. It is the first time he used the term “The New Frontier.” The vision was massive, and inspirational.